Peacock Dreaming

A Time For Renewal

Easter is more significant for me this year than it has been for a very long time. I have leapt off the cliff at an ending, and I’m floating toward a new beginning. I don’t exactly know what that rebirth looks like just yet. However, I know it is going to be something pretty special.

As I stagger through the ‘letting go’ process, I feel a presence walking beside me. As I pour my thoughts into my journal, wisdom words fall out of my pen and onto the page. The words (wherever they come from) reassure me. The gentle energy focusses me and helps me put my feelings and emotions into perspective.

This morning the following words flowed. “Focus on what you know to be true. All else is but a figment of imagination. We are bringing to you a number of blessings. Focus on what you want to achieve and where you want to be.”

Focus on What Is

As a practising Clairvoyant Medium, one of my biggest lessons has been to not interpret feelings and pictures I receive for another person. I just need to communicate what I see or feel or hear without interpretation. The images, feelings and words are personal to who the reading is for, and are often memories shared with a loved one passed over.

Not reading anything into these messages is a learning for me to apply to other areas of my life as it turns out!

During a time of turmoil, it’s easy to be swept up in the emotionally-charged tales told by my imagination. I try to make sense of things, people, confusion and pain. One minute I’m all good. Then the next I’ve stepped out of my peaceful, mindful space and back into trying to piece together the feelings and pictures that have flashed before me.

When I succumb to my old habit of trying to interpret, I’m no longer in the moment. Instead, I place a damaged record on the turntable. And now, the same story will rattle around my head repeatedly, depriving me of sleep and sanity. Bugger that!

Seeing the Light and Calm in the Darkness

Over there in the northern hemisphere at this time of year people are reminded of rebirth everywhere they look. It’s spring. The flowers are in bloom, and in the countryside lambs are seen suckling on their mothers.

Over here in New Zealand, the days are growing colder and shorter. Easter weekend is often overcast and rainy. It’s a time to prepare for hibernation and going within. When you really think about it, this is a perfect time for spiritual reflection and healing.

The Things That Help

Daily meditation, journaling and reading helps me connect with my inner guidance. Writing and photography helps me to escape my monkey mind. It helps me slow down and take notice of the present moment. In doing this, I remove myself from the emotional periphery of the cyclone and the chaos that can emanate from it. I move within to the eye of the vortex. It’s a calm space. Quite weird when you consider that confronting your fears and emotions can take you to such a calm and peaceful place.

It’s still possible to laugh when you are up to your eyeballs in the feels. In fact, I believe it does something pretty wonderful to your insides.

Surrounding myself with wonderfully, crazy, loving people who make me laugh my face off helps me find the lightness too. It shakes my insides up like one of those snow globes I had when I was a child. I am blessed to have a few of those crazies in my life. Their insanity keeps me sane.

On a rainy Nelson Easter Sunday, Chicken Little (my crazily awesome friend and housemate) clucks her way around town delivering chocolate eggs, making people smile

The path to renewal is not always an easy one to traverse. There is pain and grief that needs to be released first. But when going through difficult times of letting go, we don’t need to fixate on that which causes pain. When we do that we don’t take the time to acknowledge the joy, the blessings, and the love we have in our lives.

Easter isn’t about sacrifice. It’s not about crucifixion (even though there’s a tendency to focus on that). For me, it’s about everlasting love. And an open heart.

Peacock Dreaming The Wisdom Of Flowers, Successful Writer

Anne McCormack is author of the book, Lovitude: Trying To Calm The Monkey Mind and the award-winning, Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom Of Flowers.

Feature photo courtesy of Pixabay.

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