Peacock Dreaming

What Does Christmas Mean To You?

I don’t really get into the Christmas hype much.  I’ve tried “christmas  spirit” on for size intermittently. It really never has appealed much though.  However, the occasion does have meaning for me. Just not in the way most of modern western society celebrates I guess.

I shy away from shopping malls and the shopping aspect of Christmas for the most part. There are no gifts, or tinsel. The chubby guy in a red suit is nowhere to be found where I live and there are no decorated gift-laden trees. However, in abundance there is heart-felt connection and lots and lots of love.

A Time For Connection

Christmas is an exquisite opportunity for love and connection. It doesn’t matter how this happens. Lengthy phone calls, ‘facetime’ video chatting, text messages, cards, letters, or face-to-face catch-ups and hugs are just as special as the kindness and gentleness shown to strangers in the street. Even sending thought messages and wishes to those no longer with us are special.

Did you know loved ones in spirit receive your messages and send that love back to you? I have felt it when I do my clairvoyant mediumship at the local spiritualist church. Close your eyes. Take a breathe, and trust what you feel.

When families come together there can be dysfunctionality in abundance. However, in equal measures, a prime opportunity is presenting itself, inviting you to not ‘buy in’ to whatever interesting points of view anyone is purveying. And the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and those around us is the freedom to be who we and they are without judgement. When we stop judging others, we don’t take the weight of that on ourselves either. It is as much about loving ourselves as loving those around us.

For me, Christmas is all about the energy or the vibration of love being spread. And that makes my being fizz.

Merry Christmas!

Peacock Dreaming The Wisdom of Flowers

Anne McCormack is author of the book, Lovitude: Trying To Calm The Monkey Mind and the award-winning, Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom Of Flowers.

Feature photo courtesy of Pixabay

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Connectedness & Support

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