Anne McCormack, Peacock Dreaming The Wisdom Of Flowers

Love Is All There Is. It Is The Key To Peace.

Love is a powerful energy!  It governs everything and so readily influences how things pan out in life.  Did you know that love has the same vibration as hate? They are polar opposites – the opposite ends of the same energetic continuum.  During a time of global unrest, uncertainty and fear in the world, it is more than ever crucial for humankind to really understand the power of love.

Last night, I sat transfixed, watching Bishop Michael Curry’s address at the royal wedding. As he spoke of the importance and power of love, his passion and humanity touched me deeply. I sat there thinking, “this man truly gets it.  He understands love.  This man knows and believes love is the core of everything – the meaning of everything”.  Everything really does always comes back to love – Always.

As cameras panned around to various members of the congregation, I felt saddened. His powerful words and beautiful energy being wasted.  People either sat in the chapel either judging the man for his passionate delivery, or they were willing the lecture to be over and done with.  My dismay grew further this morning reading social media posts that wished the Bishop would “shut up” because he was “ruining the service”.  Really?

As I cycled my way to a sunny little Nelson cafe this morning, I mulled over my sorrow and frustration.  Why do we beat others down who are different to us?  Why do we revel in focussing on the reactions of others instead of listening to the words (and feeling the words) being spoken?

In today’s global society there is so much unrest.  Religious and cultural animosity and prejudice threatens peace in our world. 

Have you noticed in the last couple of years how much there has been a global desire for change?  As expressed through international politics, and other influential agencies, we are all seeking change.  We are putting it out there and it is coming back to us in full force.

Sometimes the changes don’t turn out to be ideal, particularly when the change is radical.  Here’s my take on how this works – We all seek balance in our world.  Disillusioned, we choose something vastly different to what we currently have.  Our choices swing to the other end of the continuum as we strive to move as far away as possible to what we feel has not worked for us.  And then, when those new choices don’t work out as well as we hoped, we go back the other way along the continuum.  We are essentially all pendulums, swinging backward and forward until we encounter our point of balance.

Last night, Bishop Michael Curry was the voice of balance – and love.  Yesterday, this man stood at the pulpit, completely in his personal power, passionately delivering a sermon that quite frankly we all really need to listen to.  We need to love and respect our fellow man.  Humankind needs to love and respect the earth.  Moreover, we need to learn to love and respect ourselves. 

It is only then that we are able to sit proudly in our own skin and own our truth without being adversely affected by another’s disdain.  When we are able to stop reacting emotionally to another’s judgement of us, we are free to just be.  Where there is freedom to be, we are able to respect another’s need to just be also.  There is no fear of difference, no nervousness about the impact of change.  There is just peace.

Bishop Michael Curry’s address can be viewed here.

Anne McCormack is a New Zealand-based Photographer, and Spiritual Healing Facilitator and author of Lovitude: Trying To Calm The Monkey Mind and the award-winning book, Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom Of Flowers (recently awarded the B.R.A.G.Medallion).  

Peacock Dreaming: The Wisdom Flowers is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and selected bookstores.


Lovitude:  Trying To Calm The Monkey Mind is available from Anne at

Love and Lovitude

Feature image courtesy of Nietjuh via Pixabay

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